For the last few years I've been playing alot of Escape From Tarkov. For those that aren't familiar it's an extraction shooter set in the "Russia 2028" setting in the fictional city of Tarkov. One of the quests that you're given early on is to make three Russian tiger vehicles for a shady UN logistics officer called Peacekeeper.
This is my attempt at building a MENG 1/35 scale TIGER up as one of these vehicles. The only things that I purchased were the set itself and a sheet of UN waterslide decals that I bought off of ebay.
Here's how I started, I left the passenger door open to match the in-game version.
After that I basecoated the entire thing in a dark grey, slathered on some nuln oil and then drybrushed the exterior with a cheap 'Fog Grey" color. I hate painting white so the less I have to do of that, the better. I also thought it looked better this way too than it would if I painted it exactly like the one in-game.
It was also at this point that I snapped the antenna off by accident. I didn't notice right away but I'm pretty sure I snapped it off with my forearm at one point while I was working on the bottom of it.
With this done the next step was attaching the three UN decals to the side, this was done with the usual bowl of water and the one two combo of microsol and microset. This is also when I got some of the heavier weathering tones onto the sides and bottom of the body.
This was all I could get done before the base was finalized so I got to work on that, I tried to make it as close as I could to the in-game environment, a ditch beside a road that slopes up on the backside. Once I had this done I could glue the Tiger in place, put some lighter weathering on the tires and underside of the vehicle to blend in with the base and call it good!
All in all this project took a little over two weeks, an hour here and there during the day and a couple of long evenings. I'm really happy with how it turned out and modelling 1/35 vehicles is something I've really grown to enjoy.